Sunday, October 12, 2008

Go Texans!

Well it's official....Sean and I went to our first NFL game today! We didn't know what to expect since the Texans were 0-4 going into today, but what a suprise we were in for! The team was losing with about a 1 minute left when they led an amazing drive down the field to score and win by 1 point! Tons of people had left the stadium but Sean and I feel the same way about leaving any sporting event early....We stay till the very last play.

On another note....we're new to the blogging world so who knows if I'm going to post this right! We are absolutely loving Houston because there are so many new and exciting things to do here. I miss being close to my family, but luckily it's almost the holiday season so I'll be seeing old and new family again soon! Enjoy our blog, it should be pretty interesting :)

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