So I'm sitting here half paying attention to The View and half looking up Halloween treat recipes. I want to make some special Halloween treats to take to Sean's work tomorrow. Any good ideas? Once I figure out what i'm going to make I'll be sure to post pictures no matter how good or bad they turn out.
Also, Sean and I went to Corpus Christi last weekend for his Fraternity's alumni weekend. It was a great time getting to catch up with old friends and see that beautiful (hahaha, that's funny to everyone who has lived there) water ;)
Here are a few pictures: Oh and we got another flat tire :(
Just keeping up with what is going on with you guys.... C'mon now... "The View"? There are quality cartoons on in the mornings... ;)
So sad I wasn't in town when you guys came down!! Please call me next time you come to good ol' CC. And i'm a native and yes.. I DO think the water is pretty :) Miss you!
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